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Unity can give people the strength to deal with tragedies. This proves the reaction of many Russians, who immediately after the terrible terrorist attack last Friday at «Crocus City Hall» came in line for blood transfusion.
On March 5th there was a panel discussion «Promotion and development of donorship among the youth of Russia» at the site of the technological space of the International Technology Hub of the federal territory «Sirius» in the framework of the World Festival of Youth. The event was organized by the Federal Medical-Biological Agency.
On February 16, a unique All-Russian campaign “Donor Family Code” was launched at the TASS site, dedicated to the Year of the Family. The campaign will become a flagship project to promote blood and bone marrow donation in 2024.
For about 50 years, the Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station has been cooperating with AvtoVAZ, the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Eastern Europe.
From 22 to 27th of January, events dedicated to the Day of Russian Students were held in the institutions of the Russian Blood Service with the support of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency.
In 2023, more than 978 Gazprombank employees from 11 Russian cities took part in donor events. Each participant donated an average of 450 milliliters of blood. It took not more than an hour and saved someone’s life.
On December 18, the All-Russian online conference “Donation of blood, plasma and bone marrow in the Russian Federation” was held in Moscow - one of the final events of the unique promotional competition “Donor Code. Mentoring." The conference presented successful practices in popularizing blood and bone marrow donation and developing mentoring, which have shown their effectiveness in different regions of Russia.
On December 13, the traditional donor event of the Elbrus Club of Russian Leaders project took place at the Blood Center of the FMBA of Russia. The event was attended by the finalists of the “Leaders of Russia” competition, the flagship project of the presidential platform “Russia – the Land of Opportunities”, headed by Vladislav Vasiliev.
The donor movement of the Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University was highly appreciated by Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu at a meeting with professors and cadets of the university in Novorossiysk.
On November 15, the annual action «City Youth Day of Saint Petersburg Donor» started in Saint Petersburg.
The opening of the XV Anniversary Forum of the Blood Service of Russia took place in Moscow, on the territory of the Digital business space. It is attended by heads of Blood Service institutions, representatives of State and public organizations, and transfusionists from all over the country, including four new regions.
On October 5, the #Let’sJoin Marathon! in support of the donor movement was held at three venues - in three cities. Donor events were held in the branch of the Blood Center of FMBA of Russia in Yaroslavl, on the territory of the special economic zone «Dubna», as well as in one of the offices of «Yandex» in Moscow. 166 people joined the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors that day.
As part of the All-Russian Donor Marathon#DavaiVstavai! the Blood Center of FMBA of Russia, together with the Foundation for Combating Leukaemia, organized unique events on September 23 and 24 in support of the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors.
On the eve of the World Bone Marrow Donor Day, the non-profit foundation «National Health Development Fund» prepared an animated video «All about bone marrow donation in 10 minutes».
Republican Blood Center conducts in children’s camps of the Crimea All-Russian event «Donor Code. Mentoring». The action is implemented within the framework of the Year of the teacher and mentor. Its purpose is to increase the level of participation of the population, including the pedagogical community, in blood donation and bone marrow donation through the expansion of intersectoral cooperation, introduction of new propaganda formats, development of mentoring in the field of donation.
Blood donation is an indispensable part of country’s health care system. Regular donors give hope for the life and health of millions of patients. Previously, only whole blood was transfused, today medicine gives preference to «component therapy». The patient is transfused with components of blood that he needs, such as platelets, granulocytes or plasma. Moreover, modern medicine is impossible without blood products - drugs that are obtained from donor plasma. Plasma components and plasma drug donors are an important part of the treatment of many serious diseases.
More than 100 people took part in the Donor’s Day at VDNH on 24 July 2023. Among participants are employees, volunteers, visitors to the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy and residents of Moscow.
The All-Russian action «Learn about bone marrow donation» starts on July 12, 2023. Organizers: FMBA of Russia - operator of the Federal Register of Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors, Coordination Center for the Development of Donorship at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and National Health Fund.
On June 13, a meeting between a bone marrow donor and a recipient was held at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Two years have passed since the transplant, the donor was a graduate of the University.
From June 5 to 9, Russia hosted the Donor Week. The project started in 2020. More than 140 cities, including Novosibirsk, have already joined it.
From the 5th to 9th of June, the sixth Donor Week will be held. Twice a year, IT specialists from all over the country donate blood. This helps replenish blood banks and save lives.
On May 3, in the holding «Komandor» in Krasnoyarsk for the 17th time the donor marathon «Tradition of sharing kindness» was held. The field action of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center No. 1 was held in a mobile complex near the Central Office of the Komandor.
Employees of the joint-stock company «Transneft - Western Siberia» took part in the donor event within the «30 good deeds» action.
On April 7 World Health Day, fitness class was held in the Victory Park on the territory of the Alley of Donors in Orel within the framework of the «Donor health». It was attended by more than 70 people.
As part of the all-Russian information campaign «Learn about bone marrow donation», launched in February 2023 with the support of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency and the National Health Fund, on March 16, the FMBA of Russia held an event aimed at drawing attention to the issues of entering the Federal Register of Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors.
On March 9, as part of the Teacher and Mentor Year, the Blood Center of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia held a lecture for students of the medical classes in School № 2006. Senior students learned who can become a donor, what are the indications for transfusion of blood components, how to prepare for donation and a number of other aspects in the field of transfusiology.
A solemn ceremony of awarding the first honorary donors this year was held in Ulan-Ude on February 9. The event was held at the Buryat republican blood transfusion station.
There was a donor action «Help Together», dedicated to the World Cancer Day at the Republican blood transfusion station on the 3rd of February 2023 in Makhachkala
The project of the regional Blood Service "The path of the donor from volunteering to mentoring" was launched in the Teacher Year in the Penza region
There was established a new badge "Donor Glory of Tambov Region" to support the donor movement by the initiative of Maxim Egorov, governor, in the Tambov Region.
The event lasted five days and was dedicated to the International Students' Day, which is celebrated on November 17th. More than 900 participants donated 410 liters of blood, which could save the lives of 2,733 people.
On November 17, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in Moscow hosted a forum of the donor organizers «The donor management: communications and leadership», provided by the non-profit foundation «National Health Fund» and the Coordinating Council for Blood Donation at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Employees of the enterprises of the United Aircraft Corporation (The Public Joint Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation of the Rostec State Corporation) from twelve Russian regions took part in a traditional blood donation campaign.
The meeting of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on health protection on the topic "Blood service: history and development prospects" was held on October 13 with the support of the FMBA of Russia.
The event was held at the VDNH with the organizational support of the Russian Red Cross and was timed to coincide with the World Bone Marrow Donor Day, which has been celebrated every third Saturday of September since 2015.
On September 9, 2022 a solemn presentation of the badges "Honorary Donor of Russia" took place at the Art Museum named after V.I.Surikov, as part of the all-Russian social project “#BLOODDONATIONINRUSSIA: cultural code. Expanding the boundaries of donation” in order to attract public attention to gratuitous donation, as well as to improve the status of a donor in society. The event was organized by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center No. 1 and the Donation Resource Center in the Siberian Federal District.
The conversation "A drop of blood will save a life" at the Kaluga Regional Children's Library was held as part of the All-Russian campaign #CulturalDonorCode #CultureForDonation, organized by the Coordinating Council for Donation and Blood at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia and the National Health Fund.
The development of blood and bone marrow donation system was discussed, as well as the activities of the FMBA in the field of biomedicine and pharmaceuticals.
On July 23, in the Blood Center named after O.K. Gavrilov in Moscow, a traditional summer donor action was held, organized together with the association of motodonors «Motor Blood Service».
Members of the Blogger’s Council donated blood for young patients of the Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center Of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. After the donation, the members posted about the action, the benefits of donation and how to donate blood correctly. The coverage of the event amounted to more than 2.3 million people. The purpose is to raise awareness of the population about blood donation so that everyone can donate blood.
The general corporate identity and guidelines for its use were developed by the National Health Fund for the All-Russian campaign "#CultureDonorship #CulturalDonorCode".
World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is held on June 14 each year. In this regard, the Club of Blood Donation Volunteers of the Samara Aerospace University congratulates the participants in the donor movement of the educational institution and invites you to take part in the interactive online game "The Journey of a Drop of Blood".
The event was held with the organizational support of the National Health Fund.
From 11 to 13 May, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan under the President of the Russian Federation, together with the Blood Center of the FMBA of Russia, hosted a three-day donor event "Dagestan Helps".
Family, health and safety - these are the three priorities in the system of moral values of respondents in the course of the sociological study "Cultural Donor Code", the first results of which were presented at the XIV All-Russian Forum of Blood Services by Elena Stefanyuk, Director of the National Health Fund, Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Blood Donation under the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation: 64, 63 and 34 percent, respectively. Self-realization (21%), helping other people (25%), and material wealth (28%) were the lowest values out of the six offered to the respondents for selection.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Russia, together with the Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia), will promote blood and bone marrow donation. The corresponding agreement was signed by the Chairman of ICRC Russia Pavel Savchuk and the head of the FMBA Russia Veronika Skvortsova on April 28 at the All-Russian Forum of the Blood Service.
On April 20, events dedicated to the National Donor Day were held in the Penza Regional Clinical Blood Center.
On March 19 and 26 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University together with the Blood Center named after O.K. Gavrilov carried out measures for the quarantine of plasma.
The first master class of the Creative School Leader series for organizers and volunteers of the Moscow donor movement was held on March 18, 2022 at the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art, the topic was teamwork and communication.
March 11 Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center No. 1, together with the Siberian Institute of Arts named after D.V. Khvorostovsky, with the support of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, organized a donor action as part of the all-Russian social project “#BLOOD DONATION OF RUSSIA: cultural code. Expanding the boundaries of donation”.
See also
You gonna donate blood? Tell your friends about it on social networks.

Most people know very little about donation and therefore trust the most unreasonable myths...

The blood service is a structure that brings together health care facilities (or facilities) across the country...

Donor movement covers all who care about the fate of others, those who...